All posts tagged diversity
Diversity in technology is very important to promote solutions that impact the lives of every individual on this planet. We need to promote all cultures and all people and bring them into the discussions we have about technology.
All subtags under diversity
One of the major issues that impacts our diversity is that of sexism, which prevents inclusion of women and other genders into our technological discourse. We must discuss these issues and promote solutions which offer intersectionality and we should always do our best to discourage discrimination on gender or sex.
To that end, a discussion of the gender inequalities that exist in the technology field that hinder this diversity of both problems and solutions is essential. We cannot allow the persistent systemic oppression of women hurt progress in technology. The ubiquitous nature of technology and computing can be leveraged to help fight against the prejudices of our world.
Reuleaux Selectors
Gender is a complicated attribute, and as such has been difficult for developers and designers of web services to allow users to describe properly. In this article, we discuss a new type of gender/orientation selector that respects a very broad spectrum of possible values. This selector stresses an incomplete solution to a difficult usecase: a selection that allows a large set of possible values, yet is comparable.
Conferences Must Be Active to Promote Diversity
Conferences are being criticized by the lack of diversity in their speaker lineup. This has led to such a criticism causing the cancellation of a conference. I argue that this is correct as the conference is devalued by its lack of diversity, and it should have been more active in its promotion of voice.
The Zed Shaw Phenomenon: A Look at Bullies in Tech
A look at how Zed Shaw's behavior contains an insight into a wider, darker trend within our communities: the bully. I look at my interactions with Shaw and his aggression and look at how this impacts the lack of a safe space to learn and contribute within the larger open source community.
The Antirez Principle
Redis hacker, antirez, wrote an article on sexism that promoted the notion that discussion of sexism and any special treatment of women in technology constituted oppression and sexism toward women. He states we should simply treat everybody as human, instead of focusing on gender. Although an obvious goal, he ignores the cause and history of oppression and its psychological affects on our reasoning.
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