All posts tagged programming
A discussion of technology is not sufficient without bringing up the languages and methods of expression that we use to develop solutions to technical (and social) problems. As such, programming is obviously an important part of the discourse, of which I have many opinions and advice to counter pitfalls and exercises to strengthen skill.
All subtags under programming
Writing that relates to the potential ethical issues in code and software.
Sometimes you need a powerful, low-level language that laughs at the idea of type-safely. That language is certainly C. I'm a kernel person, and I sometimes write things related to C.
Programming is inherently social. Anybody that claims otherwise cannot hold my respect. That's a strong statement, because without a grasp of the idea that the languages we use are primarily for human eyes, we cannot write effectively. Much like writing natural language, we must use a writing style that will speak better to our audience: people.
You can never learn if you don't make mistakes, and to be a good programmer, doing something wrong is the only path to being slightly-good.
Eliminating Kernel Abstractions: And Allowing Them in More Proper Places, 2019 Edition
Reuleaux Selectors
Gender is a complicated attribute, and as such has been difficult for developers and designers of web services to allow users to describe properly. In this article, we discuss a new type of gender/orientation selector that respects a very broad spectrum of possible values. This selector stresses an incomplete solution to a difficult usecase: a selection that allows a large set of possible values, yet is comparable.
You want freedom? Build it.
It is easy to build federated systems since the infrastructure exists. Therefore, if you do not trust a centralized system, then build a new system that the people can control. Github is a good example, but not the only choice.
Rust Testing Micro-framework: Exploring rust Macros
Virtualization: An History and Primer
Interactive Archival of Art and Science at Abstractions
These are links to the slides and auxiliary resources on interactive archival.
How to Maybe Build a Social Media Platform: From Someone Who Failed
This looks at how we should build a social media platform in the modern era with an emphasis on community and an anti-capitalist agenda.
A Language for Interfaces
We need to have a language that can describe behaviors concisely including their name, their inputs, their namespace, and their outputs. With respect to input, we need to know information dealing with the mutability of data, which includes concisely describing state. That ideal language is Rust minus much of that language's memory model and concurrency, which can be relegated to libraries or Rust proper within implementations.
An Infrastructure to Promote Sustainable Software
Given that we have a problem with the organization of code to provide better objective reuse, we can solve this by using a language to describe computational behaviors and specifications and define absolutely nothing else. Implementations of these behaviors can contain isolated abstractions, and applications as a whole can use abstractions to glue together computations. This simple infrastructure provides not just technical benefits but also illustrates many social merits.
Learning Mistakes from Doom Masters
We all make mistakes regardless of how good people think you are. Speedrunners show us that our mistakes can be fun, and we shouldn't be ashamed of them. We look at the video game Doom and the bugs that allow speedrunners to break the game all in good fun.
Coding Naturally: How to Achieve Sustainable Software
We tend to use too many opinions in our comparisons of libraries and frameworks. This is systemic and relates to a problem that we, socially, are not organizing code effectively for objective reuse. We can fix this with a better infrastructure that puts objective metrics first and describes computation rather than human expression. We can find better ways of expression using abstractions on top.
How Not to Build a Social Media Platform: From Someone Who Failed
This looks at how social media platforms are often built in the modern era and why they seem to fail.
Stop Benchmarking Your Software Design
Code of Code Ethics: The Only Thing That Can Stop Bad Code is Good Code
There is much discourse on software for good and how to enforce the ethical consumption of open code. We need a diverse professional ethics organization. We need it desparately. We need it more than a feel-good do-good-license.
The Djehuty Project - For The Technical Lot
I have a dream that we can solve the current crisis that is software. To do this, and this might seem ambitious but bear with me, we must burn every piece of structure we have to the ground. We must replace the structure around our software with a new infrastructure that gives us more sustainability and versatility. In the process we gain various technological and socialogical advantages.
My Response To You
This is my response to your comments about what I work on. Enjoy.
Traditional Mistakes in C Programming
C is a tricky language. For beginners, it can be daunting. It is, however, a very very simple language at its core. Once you commit yourself to avoiding certain fallacies or style mishaps, you can very easily write good C that both humans and machines understand.
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